Friday, August 24, 2012

Everything a non techie could want

Why You Ned to Buy Samsung Galaxy Tab 10 1 Inch Wi Fi

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10 1 Inch Wi Fi

I didn't really know what I wanted when I went shopping for my Christmas tablet..I ended up coming home w the latest Kindle Fire because the store was sold out of the Galaxy Tab 2. I played w the Kindle and got familiar w it but I just couldn't get the tab off my mind... So I did a ton of research and ultimately decided to take the kindle back and trade it for the Tab.
Boy am I glad I did! What an amazing difference in functionality! I absolutely adore the Galaxy Tab 2 10.1. There were a lot of things missing from the Kindle but the Tab isn't lacking anything other than a usb port, however, you can buy little adapters for this. Please note, the charge cord it comes w is teenie so a longer one might be a good side purchase as well.
The sound has nice volume for a small device and is crisp. It has beautiful graphics, very clear and vibrant. The accuracy of the touch screen is fantastic, haven't felt like it mistypes or has lagged on me at all. The size is perfect, not too big not too small, easy to cart around. It feels well made like a quality piece, it has enough weight so as not to feel cheap but it's not heavy at all. Having two cameras was cool to me but not necessary, the quality of them is good, not great and there is no flash but it does also do video. Battery life has been excellent so far, I'm on it on and off all day and just charge at night while I'm sleeping.
One thing that caused me to trade in the Kindle was the lack of apps. The Tab doesn't have that problem. There really isn't much that it can't do. It comes w some pretty cool apps built in, like the remote app where you can control your tv and view programs. Bonus, it makes a great reader too so you can download the Kindle app and have it all!
Overall, I'd say they did pretty darned well w this little gem, I highly recommend it to anyone.

Get your Samsung Galaxy Tab 10 1 Inch Wi Fi Now!


  1. Here is more details about the two tablets: Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 Tablet, 32GB, Wi-Fi, 1GHz Dual-Core, 10.1-inch Display or Nexus 7, 32GB, Wi-Fi, Tegra 3 Quad-Core, Android™ 4.2 Jelly Bean, 7-inch Display.

  2. My phone doesn't support many formats, so I'm looking for something I can carry around for my music, pictures and video. I hate iPod, so I don't care what you say, I'm not getting one. I hate Apple, so don't recommend them to me. I'm just looking for a simple device, preferably with a camera on it that can support video capture as well as pictures.

  3. Hey I am going to be able to cough up about 200-250 next month and I need is a tablet with ICS that will perform well with live streaming video like Watch ESPN and Time Warner TV (coming soon to ICS) if you can reccomend something else to this newb that would be great but those 2 programs are the prime reason I want a tablet and a good screen to view on.

  4. The blackberry is too small and fiddly for me so I was thinking of a Tab but it looks like you will need two hands to hold it. Has anyone used one? What is it like?

  5. Thinking about buying a tablet, but is it really worth while if you already have a laptop?

  6. Which is the most selling tablet and which one is top of the charts and which tablet is people going for the most and which tablet will get the most attention and the most sales?

  7. I am planning to buy either iPad 2 or 3, however, i have been advised with Samsung tab 10.1 they said it is better. I am confused which one is the best and why? FYI, i am an apple product user, i use iPhone, and MacBook Pro
