Wednesday, August 29, 2012

This is probably my all-time favorite movie.

After I Buy Finians Rainbow

Finians Rainbow

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful

5.0 out of 5 stars

My favorite movie, May 27, 2002

By A Customer

I have a hard time understanding why several other reviews keep saying that the themes to this story are outdated -- wishful thinking, perhaps. But unfortunately, the themes of bigotry, prejudice and hatred are still alive and well and living in the U.S. today (should anyone doubt this, consider that the first successful murder conviction in the south against a white man for killing a black man occurred in the 1970's!) Abuse of power and the overwhelming gap between the poor and the rich are also as healthy as ever.

Sure, there are some specifically outdated elements -- sharecropping, for instance. And the tobacco subplot isn't really very PC nowadays, though it's pretty funny. But what's important is still contemporary.

The acting is marvelous, and the chemistry between Fred Astaire and Petula Clark is very strong, making Sharon's instant infatuation with Woody much more believable than it might otherwise be. "He's just like you!" And Og is wonderfully comical with just a hint of a serious edge, making him utterly loveable. Though probably my favorite bit of acting in the show is Howard's complete non-expression in the scene where he is being taught how to "act black".

There is a plot hole big enough to drive the Death Star through, I admit -- but I choose to see it in a slightly different light. If Og made two of the wishes -- well, you figure it out. I like to believe that maybe things aren't quite what they seem.

All in all, I think it's a wonderful, delightful and moving story and I've loved it passionately since I was six.

Get your Finians Rainbow Now!


  1. Trying out for "Finian's Rainbow" Next month. Need a song that can go from alto-second soprano. Please don't give me overdone Disney songs, most casting people hate that kind of stuff, I assure you.

  2. i will be in a musical festival in march, and am singing "have you heard from glocca morra" from finian's rainbow. i have the song but now i am thinking, aong with my vocal coach that a small monologue would be well suited. im having some problems finding what i am looking for and thought perhaps someone out there may have a idea of sorts as to what i am looking for. thanks in advance for your answers and time.

  3. For a costume I want to make my skin look black. I have white skin and am wondering what type of make up or paint or whatever I need to make it look like I really have black skin. What type of make up was used on that one show "Black. White" where a white family and black family switched races by make up? This is the type of effect I am looking for. Thanks for any help!

  4. Also, This is an option for a Urinetown suggestions are welcome as well! It has to be from the Golden Age of musicals. I'm looking at Hope's role.

  5. If not can anybody recommend any other songs like try to remember from the fantasticks?

  6. The French Canadian played Don Franck's sergeant in the series. I believe that this actor is still living today. Last time I heard was that Don Franck was living on an Indian reserve in Saskatchewan. He starred in Finian's Rainbow with Fred Astaire and Petula Clark.

  7. I'm 13 years old and I'm auditioning for The Wizard of Oz in a couple months. My range is Alto/mezzo. I need some help finding a good audition song. Maybe something that sounds like "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" or from the same year. It can't be a song from The Wizard of Oz. Thanks!
