Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sleeper LP of 2003!!!

Why You Ned to Buy Champion Sound Jaylib

Champion Sound Jaylib

Yeah I said the "M-Word". This album, to me (so feeel free to disagree), is a perfect melding of both the underground and the mainstream. On the underground side, you have the lo-fi quality of the beats (which is an element that helps it out), and the sampling, which is few and far between in hip-hop these days. On the mainstream side, you have guests Frank 'N' Dank, Talib Kweli (who is both underground and mainstream, along with mainstream-themed songs like Strip Club and McNasty Filth. That said, I personally think Jay Dee and Madlib are talented both on the knobs and the rhymes, all in their own rights. Comparing them lyrically to guest MCs Frank 'N' Dank and Talib, they don't hold a flame, but that certainly doesn't mean they don't have anything going for them. They both have a disjunct style of rhyming, somewhat similar in delivery to MF Doom, possibly (but once again, not to the lyrical calibre of Doom). All in all this album still gets my 5 stars for being one of the most stupendous albums out right now, on the market, and I feel it is a must have for both underground and mainstream hip-hop fans.

Get your Champion Sound Jaylib Now!


  1. The madvillian album came out im j Dilla chronology on wiki & i was looking through research about Madvillian but i couldn't find anythinh about where Jay Dee fit into Madvillian?

  2. In my opinion its the worst project Dilla has worked on

  3. They can be albums you would consider to become a classic soon, if they're not old enough to be classics yet, too some.

  4. I already have all of immortal technique's albums and i am looking for some new hot underground rap albums.

  5. Some of the more well known, highly praised underground albums like Madvillainy and A Piece of Strange,

  6. The only album i know of is Champion Sound but i just found another song that wasnt on there and that was because one of my friends showed me or else i would have never found it. How do i look for more of their stuff when i look up Jaylib all that comes up is champion sound. The song is called Smootherness and im not sure if its just a single or its on an album and would like to know of more songs by them.
