Thursday, September 20, 2012

love it!

After I Buy Ni No Kuni Wrath Playstation 3

Ni No Kuni Wrath Playstation 3

I have waited quite a time to get this game, and it was well worth the wait! I grew up with games such as Chrono Trigger,
Final Fantasy IV through X and I have been very disappointed at this gaming generation as it has become increasingly difficult
to find JRPGs that are as good as the classics I grew up with, but this title shines a whole new ray of hope towards the genre.
I am very happy to see that Level 5 has not only been making great RPGs for a generation, but to see that they
have actually been improving with each oncoming game brings me hope, especially after picking up this game that has been raved
across the RPG communities before its release today.

One of the things I am happy to say about this
game is that this has a beautiful world map with mountains, pine trees, and gives the player a feeling that he or she is
actually undergoing an adventure, as opposed to linear paths followed by save points and doors. This is something that
many RPGs I feel are lacking today, but Level 5 really outdid themselves with this!
I also like how this game actually starts out in a somewhat modern, realistic town with cars, street signs, and
people with your typical modern day homes, and all of a sudden, the main character is summoned to a magical world that no ordinary, every day citizen would know about. The game really exhibits a feel of actually being in it with such a
neat start to it. One of the other things I have really enjoyed about this game are the anime cutscenes, it really
adds quite a unique touch to it. I especially loved to actually have the option to watch the cutscenes in its intended
language, Japanese. God only knows how many RPGs I have played through that I wished had the option to have
Japanese audio. I was expecting this game to be like the rest of the localized US versions of RPGs, just English
audio as an option, so this is quite a treat. Back to the game itself, I enjoy the real time/traditional combat system.
It combines the best of both worlds. You have the enemy roaming around, and you have the option to approach it, and
start a battle, while being able to move around at all degrees during combat and selecting the attack command just like
one would with a traditional 1980's-1990's JRPG. The music has a beautiful orchestrated touch to it, while using
other old world instruments.

Overall, I am very, very pleased with this game and this is certainly the kind of RPG I have been waiting for since
I first bought my PS3 in 2007. I would highly recommend this to any RPG fan who grew up with RPGs from the 1990's
like I have.

Get your Ni No Kuni Wrath Playstation 3 Now!


  1. Lately I have been trying t get into a new rpg, and I have thought about tryoing out Final Fantasy 13-2. But everyone says that the game is terrible. But I really don't believe them. Then again, I thought the ending for Mass Effect 3 wouldn't suck, but it did.

  2. Whats the new games coming out in 2012 for ps3 ? please reply

  3. I'm looking to play some JRPGs on my 360 or ps3. I'm tired of all the military shooters and sports games that populate my game library, and I've played most of the best best American Role-playing games (Mass effect, Dragon Age, Kingdoms of Amalur etc) but was looking for a completely new experience! I haven't really played many JRPGs other than a blue dragon demo once and phantasy star universe a couple years ago. Persona 4 looked really interesting to me as well if that helps. Anyways, other than that i am open to all your suggestions!! Thanks

  4. I like Rpg games and ive seen some playstation games like tales of vesperia, xillia etc. I would like some names that youd recomend. Thanks :D
