Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Strong and Subtle album

After I Buy Mystic Dance

Mystic Dance

This was the album that prompted me to hire Maggie Sansone and three musicians to accompany her for my wedding last weekend. Having gone to the Maryland Renn Faire for over ten years, I have long been around her playing and have found her compositions both ancient in their appeal and near perfection for anyone interested in primarily medievalesque and Celtic pieces. This album varies a bit more from her others, touching into some more middle eastern themes (which worked well for the belly dancer) as well as reaching into some more tribal themes to a light extent. If you are looking for more traditional Celtic dulcimer I recommend Into the Light. She does one thing I particularly enjoy that other Celtic/medieval musicians do not, while the songs on her albums compliment and flow well together, she does not have the simple variations on a theme that many artists do after recording two to three solid tracks. Each song is fresh, crisp, and with an air of its own. I highly recommend if you have enjoyed artists such as John Doan and Loreena McKennit (instrumental, not vocal pieces). We will be hiring them for another performance later this year, they brought such vitality and spirit to their music I am sure you will be swept up by it.

Get your Mystic Dance Now!


  1. I got a spray tan last night at the tanning place and i woke up and im orange ! I have been in the shower for hours scrubbing and scrubbing and shaving and shaving . How can i get rid of it ? I have a dance to go to tonight and need it to go away asap ! My mom said we will go tanning and the tan will just work over it . will that help ? if no then what will ? please help !

  2. I'm going to get spray tanned for a dance coming up. And I will probably do it a day or two before the dance. And I was wondering how much it costs on a regular day (not Monday) and if you have an suggestions for me. I'm kind of nervous and don't want to turn out orange or streaky. I want it to look natural. Advice?

  3. I feel like every second episode there is some sort of dance or party or festival and I was wondering if anyone could count how many.

  4. What is Shringara rasa and how it should be treated and performed in classical Indian dance?

  5. My favorite episode was Miss Mystic Falls when Elena dances with Damon and realizes she is in love with him and Stefan goes mad on Human blood. What is your favorite episode in series 1?

  6. What is Sringara rasa and how it should be treated and performed in classical Indian dance?

  7. My wife and I danced to the most romantic song ever written: "Tupelo Honey" by Van Morrison. It's a long song; however, and half way through others joined us on the dance floor.

  8. Hey guys, I'm obsessed with vampire diaries, and i just found the music for the miss mystic falls dance (season 1 episode 19) the song is all I need, by within temptation, but I really want to learn the dance, could anyone send me a link to a step by step video or something? anything would be helpful
