Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Beautiful early live recording by young Miss Raitt

Great Deals Of Lost Broadcast Bonnie Raitt

Lost Broadcast Bonnie Raitt

I have grown up with Bonnie Raitt, literally (well, not like next door, but she is maybe 2-3 years older than I am) I started buying her albums before I could drive, starting with Give it Up, which I thought was her first recording. Over the years I have replaced all my albums with cassettes then went from them to CD's. When I found this on Amazon I was so tickled! When I got and listened to it that turned into such joy I can not express! I may sound like some kind of freaky stalker, but, I have listened to this over and over because it is a live recording done in front of maybe 50-80 people and Ms Raitt talks to the audience all the way through, you feel like you have gotten to spend an evening actually WITH her. It is such an intimate recording, I can not say enough how much I love it. I have bought it and sent it as a gift to others that I know love her work like I do. If you are a Bonnie fan, you just MUST have this recording. I think the word is out because it already take quite awhile to get one! But, it is worth the wait!!!

Get your Lost Broadcast Bonnie Raitt Now!


  1. I am a long term BR fan. While her music after "Nick of Time" is great, its the early stuff I fell in love with and still like the best. This has the intimate feel of an early, small concert. Bluesy and fun. I wish I had been there. If you like your blues unvarnished this is for you.

  2. I saw Bonnie in the early 70's . This recording is how I remember that show.....
    totally amazing . A great gift to myself !!

  3. Others can probably articulate what makes this set so very sweet. I'm writing this review simply because i almost swooned when i heard this cd. The sound quality is amazing for a radio broadcast in the early 70s, and bonnie is that admixture of winsome, ballsy, and quietly exuberant that takes us greybeards back. If you liked early Bonnie, you cannot live another day without this cd. (The liner notes are perfect, as well.)

  4. I love Bonnie Raitt and this album is fantastic.

    Played in front of a very small crowd, and she acts that way. Lots of interesting banter as she says where the songs that seem to have become standards of hers came from.

    Does have a bit of bootleg sound to it, but her voice cuts through clearly and beautifully on each track.

    If you're a fan and haven't heard this then get on it, or if you know someone who is, this is the perfect gift as there's a good chance they haven't heard it.


  5. I have grown up with Bonnie Raitt, literally (well, not like next door, but she is maybe 2-3 years older than I am) I started buying her albums before I could drive, starting with Give it Up, which I thought was her first recording. Over the years I have replaced all my albums with cassettes then went from them to CD's. When I found this on Amazon I was so tickled! When I got and listened to it that turned into such joy I can not express! I may sound like some kind of freaky stalker, but, I have listened to this over and over because it is a live recording done in front of maybe 50-80 people and Ms Raitt talks to the audience all the way through, you feel like you have gotten to spend an evening actually WITH her. It is such an intimate recording, I can not say enough how much I love it. I have bought it and sent it as a gift to others that I know love her work like I do. If you are a Bonnie fan, you just MUST have this recording. I think the word is out because it already take quite awhile to get one! But, it is worth the wait!!!

  6. I found this while shopping for her latest CD. It's a keeper. The quality is not up to current recordings but I'm happy to add it to my collection,

  7. In this 1972 live radio broadcast Bonnie Raitt was still at the beginning of her career, she had just one album on her back and was about to make her second.
    She was still, if I may say so, in her acoustic, raw, rural country/blues early phase, a phase that yielded some of her finest things.
    In this concert she plays acoustic guitar, a little bit of piano, and she is accompanied by T J Tindall on lead/slide guitar, Dan "Freebo" Freeberg on bass, John Davis on harp.
    The arrangements are sparse and beautiful, the sound is very well recorded with good presence and minimum noise.
    Great choice of material, some songs by BR herself (later in her career she almost gave up songwriting, which is too bad), others by Paul Siebel, Steven Stills, Robert Johnson, Steve Winwood, and so on.

    The thing that impressed me the most is her voice: she was still very young and moving her first steps in the music business, and yet she was in complete control of her voice, which is subtle and powerful, colorful and driving and bluesy.

    If you love BR, this is a must have. And anyway, if you enjoy acoustic country/blues, this is as good as it gets, you won't be disappointed.

  8. This is a great CD, her young age notwithstanding. I believe she was only about 21 or 22, which shows she was a great talent very early on. I also loved the cover picture w/her fat little cheeks.
