Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Great Game! Bad Shipping department.

Days After I Buy This StarCraft II Collectors Edition PC Mac

StarCraft II Collectors Edition PC Mac

I have grown up with Bonnie Raitt, literally (well, not like next door, but she is maybe 2-3 years older than I am) I started buying her albums before I could drive, starting with Give it Up, which I thought was her first recording. Over the years I have replaced all my albums with cassettes then went from them to CD's. When I found this on Amazon I was so tickled! When I got and listened to it that turned into such joy I can not express! I may sound like some kind of freaky stalker, but, I have listened to this over and over because it is a live recording done in front of maybe 50-80 people and Ms Raitt talks to the audience all the way through, you feel like you have gotten to spend an evening actually WITH her. It is such an intimate recording, I can not say enough how much I love it. I have bought it and sent it as a gift to others that I know love her work like I do. If you are a Bonnie fan, you just MUST have this recording. I think the word is out because it already take quite awhile to get one! But, it is worth the wait!!!

Get your StarCraft II Collectors Edition PC Mac Now!

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