Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Much better than the Graco Silhouette Line!

Days After I Buy This Fisher Price Cradle Swing Little Snugabunny

Fisher Price Cradle Swing Little Snugabunny

I can't find a thing wrong with this swing, it is great. My daughter was born at 5.8 lbs and she fits in it wonderfully. I love how it will recline to a pretty well flat position for her, so I don't have to worry about the length of time she is in it.(Newborns and especially babies that small need to lay flat rather than inclined for too long cause their head will fall forward and could close their airways.)Since she was so small the swing speed setting even on the lowest was too fast for her, but that wasn't an issue. All we had to do was lay a blanket over her and let it drag on the floor, it slows it down just enough. The fabric is so lush and soft she absolutely loves it and so do I. She would lay there in it content all day if I would let her. They don't specify whether you can let you baby sleep in it or not, probably for liability sake, however the way I figure it, if the baby is laying flat on its back (and it is still young enough to not wiggle and turn its head everywhere) I can't see the harm in it. I don't let her sleep in it during the night, but during the day I don't have any problems with it at all. The main reason I picked this swing over a few other options that Fisher Price has available right now is two things. It is better than the Fisher Price Starlight Papasan Cradle Swing because it has a 5 point harness instead of a 3 point. If you read the reviews on the other one, this is something a lot of people bring up as an issue. I want the safest thing I can get for my baby, 5 point is best! And it is better than the Fisher Price My Little Lamb Cradle n Swing because it is able to plug into the wall outlet which the other will not do. It is a little more expensive than those, but for those two things, it is well worth it I think. It doesn't have a baby tray but that was fine for me, I rather not have one anyways. My babies never really use those things, they just collect grime to have to clean off, and they are a pain to have to work to get your baby in and out around. I like the mirror dome and the mobile over the other swings as well, I think they seem more practical for a baby. It was super easy to put together, I did it all by myself in about 20 minutes or so. Their are a ton of other features I could comment on but I wont. I think I mentioned most of the important things. Basically for me and my babies needs, it is perfect so far.

Get your Fisher Price Cradle Swing Little Snugabunny Now!


  1. planning on buying one for 1 month old son

  2. Does anyone know of one that runs quiet and that the moter wont give out so soon? I keep reading reviews saying the moters are bad on almost all of them. Im also looking for a good walking stroller with rubber wheels and cup holders for baby and me. One that has a hood that comes way down to block the sun. Thank you for your time :-)
