Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Piece of American Music History

Days After I Buy This Blind But Now See Biography

Blind But Now See Biography

This book didn't win "Biography of the Year" by the Indie Book Awards for nothing. What a great book about the man behind the music in telling the story of Doc Watson. The quote from Tommy Emmanuel sums it all for me regarding Doc Watson, "Doc's contribution is deep. He has an unwavering authenticity in his playing, in his singing, and in his character." And for those who are not aware of Tommy Emmanuel, Tommy is perhaps one of the most talented guitar players alive today, in the same league as Michael Hedges. So this quote carries some weight in the music world.

The book is an excellent piece of American Music History. Dr. Kent Gustavson has done justice with this body of work and deserves credit for persevering this legacy. The book is so enthralling it is hard to stop reading, very insightful into the life and times of such a caring and humble man. Thank you Doctor for bringing this treasure to light for us to enjoy and appreciate!

Get your Blind But Now See Biography Now!


  1. Something like Blind Side, football or sports player with interesting and inspiring true story a high school boy would be interested in. Thank you. (:

  2. I need to find a few books that I can download from e books to help me write my research paper. My paper is about how Helen Keller changed the public perception of the disabled. I need books that mention this topic. I don't want stories; I want biographies and autobiographies about what she did that helped change the perception of the disabled. Thank you in advance!!!

  3. Does anyone have any good historical nonfiction books or biographies for me? The requirements are it has to take place from 1960 to the present and in any area of the world EXCEPT the United States. I wanted to make this project interesting and not settle for an unenjoyable book. Does anyone have any suggestions?

  4. Blind Ambition is about the Watergate scandal during the Nixon administration. It was taken from the book of the same name by, John Dean.

  5. I am reading that when a buyer is interested in a foreclosed property, they should be smart with the offer they submit, and send along a buyer biography. I know what a biography is, but what type of information should be in this biography, how long should it be, and should it be in third person or more auto-biographical? Or, am I just getting this whole idea wrong? Thanks

  6. This lady was considered legally blind and has recently recieved he sight again. She was trained in braille but wishes to read and write, and use the computer.

  7. who is someone interesting to write a biography about. it cant be a singer, it has to be a writer, author, or someone political. it can be from any time.

  8. I like biographies like 180 degrees South (which is about a man who travels the world)...but what are some other great movies like this one?
