Sunday, October 28, 2012


After I Buy Wheelhouse Deluxe Version Limited Edition

Wheelhouse Deluxe Version Limited Edition

Paisley gets a little preachy, but overall this album is a winner. It fits the evolutionary path he has been on over the last few albums. If you have been a Paisley fan for years, it will seem familiar, while at the same time, it also seems brand new. Most of the songs are typically well-crafted, although the song getting a lot of press these days, "Accidental Racist," is not. Whatever the intention was, whatever the message is, it's just not a good song. It's too forced, and too long. But that's really the one misstep. There's plenty else to like here, such as the soaring "Southern Comfort Zone," the raucous "Outstanding In Our Field," and the bouncy "Beat This Summer." There are the wonderful ballads "I Can't Change the World" and "Tin Can on a String." And the hilarious "Harvey Bodine," which features Monty Python's Eric Idle.

Surprisingly, Paisley tones down his guitar work a bit on this album. There are fewer guitar fireworks than previous albums, but there is still lots of great playing. Normally, when I get a new Paisley album, I immediately pull my Telecaster guitar out and try to figure out what he's doing. Not on this album. I found myself reaching for the acoustic guitar for the first time. Everyone knows what he can do on an electric guitar, but his acoustic work is phenomenal on this album.

I skip over a song or two, but the rest is great. And I like where Paisley is going.

Get your Wheelhouse Deluxe Version Limited Edition Now!


  1. Paisley gets a little preachy, but overall this album is a winner. It fits the evolutionary path he has been on over the last few albums. If you have been a Paisley fan for years, it will seem familiar, while at the same time, it also seems brand new. Most of the songs are typically well-crafted, although the song getting a lot of press these days, "Accidental Racist," is not. Whatever the intention was, whatever the message is, it's just not a good song. It's too forced, and too long. But that's really the one misstep. There's plenty else to like here, such as the soaring "Southern Comfort Zone," the raucous "Outstanding In Our Field," and the bouncy "Beat This Summer." There are the wonderful ballads "I Can't Change the World" and "Tin Can on a String." And the hilarious "Harvey Bodine," which features Monty Python's Eric Idle.

    Surprisingly, Paisley tones down his guitar work a bit on this album. There are fewer guitar fireworks than previous albums, but there is still lots of great playing. Normally, when I get a new Paisley album, I immediately pull my Telecaster guitar out and try to figure out what he's doing. Not on this album. I found myself reaching for the acoustic guitar for the first time. Everyone knows what he can do on an electric guitar, but his acoustic work is phenomenal on this album.

    I skip over a song or two, but the rest is great. And I like where Paisley is going.

  2. WOW! WOW! WOW! Brad knocked this one out of the park. This album is filled with powerful songs, awesome duets, over the top instrumentation and some of the best songwriting I've heard in a long, long time!
    I'm lovin' it y'all !!!!!

  3. When listening to this new project by Brad, consider this: When all is said and done, the essence of great country music is great storytelling. That being said, this is a most excellent work by Mr. Paisley. He IS in the "wheelhouse" of what country music is all about, and at the hub of that wheel. Don't let anything anyone says distract you from that simple truth. Enjoy!

  4. Great new CD! Love all his songs! I love how he weaves stories and messages throughout his songs..All relevant to today!

  5. The music is really well written and all the performances are so well done, I always know I'm going to get quality stuff with Brad and was than impressed with this.

  6. i love it i love all his stuff i think hes very good i think i own all of his up to date if i missed any i,ll be getting them if you like him you will like this cd

  7. Ignore all the media blathering from people who don't know Brad's history and have taken one song out of context just to increase their own readership/viewership. Just listen to the songs on this album and decide for yourself. This is an artist stretching outside the comfort zone of country music. It's not what you expect from him, but for me it was MORE than I expected, not less.

    I'm a life-long country music fan, but the industry is stuck in a rut of too many superficial songs about trucks and hot girls from male performers. Refreshingly, here is one singing about topics that make you think and feel.

    On top of that there is a level of creative daring in the production of this album that doesn't typically happen in country music. The instrumentation, arrangements, mix, effects, etc. all bring unexpected surprises. The people working on this were clearly relishing the creative freedom that Brad gave them as the Producer of the album.
