Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Love 'em!!!!

Why You Ned to Buy Sony DREX12iP BLK Phone Headset

Sony DREX12iP BLK Phone Headset

I bought these a while back at Best Buy. I have had no problems with them at all (that wasn't the result of user error) since buying them. The build quality of everything is exceptional compared to the brands I've used in the past. I use and sometimes abuse them almost daily, and they're still not showing any wear and tear, by now previous headphones would be showing wire or one earbud would start to break and eventually cease playing sounds. I've had no complains about quality when talking with people on the phone and the volume and play/pause/ffw/rw/answer/hangup buttons work great!

I love them. I'm no audiophile in the least bit. The sound quality excellent to my ears, however there are quite a few people complaining about the quality so maybe it's my ears :o) I would definitely highly recommend them to others.

Get your Sony DREX12iP BLK Phone Headset Now!

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