Thursday, October 25, 2012

Hendrix train

Great Deals Of People Hell Angels

People Hell Angels

Jimi's "new" album of collaborations mostly with Buddy Miles and Billy Cox (not always at the same time) brings us some actual tracks that we haven't heard before. Surprisingly much of it is really worth it, although tons of Hendrix albums have come out, and this has possibly my favorite version of "Hear My Train a comin."

I will say that this album is probably more suited to the Hendrix fanatic than a "I'll listen to him when he comes up in the playlist" type person. But if you haven't bought a "new" Hendrix album since "First Rays..." or my favorite posthumous release "South Saturn Delta" then this is definitely the one to get. It's insanely hard to wade through his collection of albums especially on amazon, but this is Hendrix at his best with his later backing duo of Miles and Cox.

I won't go through the album track by track as it seems they already have above, but the thing I love about Hendrix with Cox and Miles is that they provided such a powerful backing to his music that was different than Mitchell and Redding. While not better or worse technically, I slightly prefer the sound, and while not all the tracks include this trio, many of them do here. There slightly more "kick" to the drums and a little more "thump" to the bass. Earth Blues is a prime example of this. And "Hear my Train a Comin'" has so much energy and is so cohesive and engaging.

I owe a lot to Hendrix, and although I'm only 29, stealing my father's Hendrix albums in 8th grade thankfully took me away from the Soundgarden/Nirvana thing and introduced me to the blues and classics. I'm thankful that his legacy continues as other generations will be able to appreciate what he did for music. Now if I could only find my tie-dye Hendrix shirt I haven't worn since I was 15.

So while there isn't anything you've never heard here, this album helps pass Hendrix along to new generations, and in the end "new" Hendrix albums will only help music. So don't hate on the guy, or his family.



I just want to add that it seems there is a long debate with any artist who releases material after their passing. Tupac, Frank Zappa, John Lennon etc etc...

The sad part of this is that it takes away from the legacy of the artist and places more attention on those handling the artists work after they have died. While this can't be ignored I can't help but think how Hendrix would be rolling in his grave right now upset that this has turned into such banter.

I agree with much of what is stated in the other reviews, but Kramer is doing the best he can, and I can promise you he's not trying to make people angry. He's trying to get the music of Hendrix out there, and that's what I think is great about this.

I also think that anyone else in the position that Janie Hendrix is would make very similar choices and I really don't like the judgements made on Kramer and her. Although cut and pasted etc etc, this is still the music of Hendrix, and it can be listened to enjoyably, and not dissected, unless of course that is your whole purpose in listening to the album.

Get your People Hell Angels Now!


  1. I used to work for Pat Matters of the Minnesota Hells Angels. I was wondering where he is these days. I new in 2000 he was sentenced to 15 years in prision.

  2. I've been doing some research on motorcycle clubs lately, and I find the Hells Angels to be a patriotic group that embraces individualism and solidarity. Sure, they have their share of bad apples, but they do a lot to contribute to the community too. I admire them, and see them as the ultimate Libertarians

  3. With Sonny Barger being on the show people are talking the show has the hells angels behind the story line.Is there any truth to this?

  4. I really want to become a Hells Angel but have no idea how to become one or where to look.

  5. I've read threads about Hells Angels and a lot of people think they're low class drug dealing wanna be tough guys. But does anyone actually REALLY know how it is? besides what the media shows us, thanks.

  6. Why don't Hells Angels use those helmets with the microphones attached to them? My riding club uses them all the time to help communicate how we "raise hell" on the highway. Plus it increases safety on long HD rides. Why don't the Angels use them?

  7. I want to know how to join the hells angels gang. Not how to join the motorcycle club but how to join the gang. What do I have to do to be seen? What do I have to do to get in?

  8. I want to do my english term paper on the Hells Angels, but I can't think of how to narrow it down
