Friday, October 26, 2012

NIX 15 Inch DPF

Why You Ned to Buy Hi Res Digital Photo Frame Memory

Hi Res Digital Photo Frame Memory

My 10-inch PARTSMART digital picture frame conked out after some years of constant use.

I found this 15 inch model on Amazon for a good price and received today. The setup was easy and everything worked as described. I set the brightness at seven as my room is on the dark side. I raised contrast and saturation to nine to give the picture some added kick. I had an SD prepared from the Compact Flash used in my old frame but, after almost throwing away the enclosed thumb-drive (careless), I ported my SD over to it (1.3 GB, ~1500 pix) and it worked like a champ. The thumb-drive is the smallest I've seen, just the bare essentials.

I don't plan to use the mp3 sound or mpeg4 video and didn't test for those.

Remote worked well from a few feet away, very responsive. Frame retains time and other settings during power removal. For how long I don't know.

Very satisfied with the display, doubt you could do better. Display quality remains good from most any angle.

I'll update this if any new information develops.

Get your Hi Res Digital Photo Frame Memory Now!

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